Rubbish Clearance Reading: Innovating Sustainable Rubber Recycling in Reading


Rubbish Clearance Reading is dedicated to promoting sustainable waste management practices and leading the way towards a circular economy. The company is taking a significant step towards a sustainable future by implementing innovative rubber recycling techniques in Reading.

Collecting Rubber Waste

Rubbish Clearance Reading collects rubber waste from various sources in Reading, including automotive repair shops, factories, and households. The company has a team of experienced professionals who handle the collection and transportation of the waste.

Processing Rubber Waste

Once the rubber waste is collected, it is transported to a specialized recycling facility for processing. At the facility, the rubber waste is shredded into small pieces and then melted and molded into new products. One of the primary products that are created through this process is rubber crumb.

Rubber Crumb

Rubber crumb is a highly versatile material that can be used in a variety of applications, including playgrounds, sports surfaces, and horse arenas. The product is highly durable, weather-resistant, and provides excellent shock-absorption. It also helps reduce the need for virgin rubber, contributing to a circular economy.

Benefits of Rubber Recycling

By recycling rubber waste, Rubbish Clearance Reading is helping reduce the environmental impact of rubber disposal and creating new products from waste. The company’s innovative rubber recycling techniques are also contributing to the promotion of a circular economy, which encourages a more sustainable approach to resource management.


In conclusion, Rubbish Clearance Reading is making commendable efforts towards sustainable waste management practices in Reading. The company’s innovative rubber recycling techniques are a significant step towards a more sustainable future, reducing the impact of waste on the environment and promoting a circular economy. By focusing on sustainable practices, we can all help create a better future for our planet, starting in Reading. Contact us today!

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